Software Engineering Seminar | INFK | AS 19

Course catalog: 252-2600-05L
Lecturers: Malte Schwerhoff, Petar Tsankov

The course is an introduction to research in software engineering, based on reading and presenting high quality research papers in the field. The instructor may choose a variety of topics or one topic that is explored through several papers.

The main goals of this seminar are 1) learning how to read and understand a recent research paper in computer science; and 2) learning how to present a technical topic in computer science to an audience of peers.

Date Message

Updated organisational slides: "Contact your advisor, and send draft, at least 10 days before your presentation"


The organisational slides are online


The seminar will have its first class on Mon 23.09. However, you must have chosen your paper to present by Fri 20.09., by filling in this documents.

Each week, starting from 07.10., two students will each present a paper from the general area of software engineering.

Seminar goals:


Academic Integrity:

Avoid copy-paste as much as possible. For material (especially graphics and anything included by copy-paste) not created by you, but used in your presentation, you have to provide an acknowledgement of the source on the same slide.

Date Student Advisor Paper Slides
07.10. 16-916-421 Manuel Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages With Polymorphic Inline Caches
07.10. 17-947-599 Tyler Is search really necessary to generate high-performance BLAS?
14.10. 17-936-188 Sam NetComplete: Practical Network-Wide Configuration Synthesis with Autocompletion
14.10. 17-934-258 Marco Leveraging Rust Types for Modular Specification and Verification
21.10. 17-913-542 Tyler FLAME: Formal linear algebra methods environment
21.10. 16-929-036 Tyler Communication lower bounds for distributed-memory matrix multiplication
28.10. 17-921-891 Joao A Fast Analytical Model of Fully Associative Caches
28.10. 17-916-131 Jingxuan T-Fuzz: Fuzzing by Program Transformation
04.11. 17-916-818 Sam MadMax: Surviving Out-of-Gas Conditions in Ethereum Smart Contracts
04.11. 17-916-412 Joao Optimistic Loop Optimization
11.11. 17-920-414 Manuel Compiler Validation via Equivalence Modulo Inputs
11.11. 17-914-003 Marco Programming and Proving with Distributed Protocols
18.11. 17-913-930 Jingxuan Effective Program Debloating via Reinforcement Learning
18.11. 17-913-823 Pinjia Cradle: Cross-backend validation to detect and localize bugs in deep learning libraries
25.11. 17-932-880 Manuel Towards Optimization-Safe Systems: Analyzing the Impact of Undefined Behavior
25.11. 17-913-534 Manuel One VM to rule them all
02.12. 16-941-601 Joao REMIX: Online Detection and Repair of Cache Contention for the JVM
02.12. 17-923-301 Jingxuan teEther: Gnawing at Ethereum to Automatically Exploit Smart Contracts
09.12. 16-915-175 Pinjia TensorFuzz: Debugging Neural Networks with Coverage-Guided Fuzzing
16.12. 16-914-871 Marco SecCSL: Security Concurrent Separation Logic
16.12. 17-948-167 Pinjia DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems