sig LinkedList{ head: ListNode } sig ListNode { next: ListNode, prev: ListNode } fact { all n: ListNode | = n } pred show{} run show for 5 but 2 LinkedList // 1. start with the simple example, show examples --> identify that there are single nodes // also note that there are implicit constraints already in the model above, such as that // each node has exactly one next and prev node // 2. in order to get rid of single nodes: /* fact{ all n: ListNode | some l: LinkedList | n in l.head.*next } */ // 3. check that two lists do not share the same head (which obviously fails) /* assert notShared { all disj l1, l2 : LinkedList | l1.head != l2.head } check notShared for 2 */ // 4. make this a fact // now the assertion holds (trivially) /* fact notSharedHead { all disj l1, l2: LinkedList | l1.head != l2.head } */ // check for other pathologic cases with show above --> heads share lists! // 5. add the following predicate and retry with notSharedNode /* // a predicate that constraints node n to be reachable from l.head pred inList [ l: LinkedList, n: ListNode ] { n in l.head.*next } */ // 6. two disjoint lists should not contain shared nodes (will fail) /* assert notSharedNodes { all n: ListNode | no disjoint l1, l2: LinkedList | inList[l1,n] and inList[l2,n] } check notSharedNodes for 2 */ // 7. ask yourself: what would be a good constraint to avoid two lists sharing nodes?