open util/ordering[FileSystem] abstract sig FSObject {} sig File, Dir extends FSObject {} sig FileSystem { live: set FSObject, root: Dir & live, parent: (live - root) -> one (Dir & live), contents: (Dir & live) -> live } pred inv[ s: FileSystem ] { // A directory is the parent of its contents and vice versa s.contents = ~(s.parent) // File system is connected in s.root.*(s.contents) } pred init[ s': FileSystem ] { #s'.live = 1 } // 1. check this (initialization) /* assert initEstablishes { all s': FileSystem | init[s'] => inv[s'] } check initEstablishes */ // 2. add to init: s'.contents[s'.root] = none // 3. check this (preservation) /* pred removeAll[ s, s': FileSystem, o: FSObject ] { o in - s.root && s'.live = - o.*(s.contents) && s'.parent = s'.live <: s.parent } pred removeAllPreserves { all s,s' : FileSystem, o: FSObject | inv[s] && removeAll [s,s',o] => inv[s'] } check removeAllPreserves */ // 4. add to remove All: // && s'.contents = s.contents :> s'.live // 5. add further operation and execution fact /* pred add[ s, s': FileSystem, o: FSObject, d: Dir ] { !(o in && d in && s'.live = + o s'.parent = s.parent + (o->d) s'.contents = s.contents ++ (d->(s.contents[d] + o)) } fact execution { init[first] && all s: FileSystem - last | (some o: FSObject | removeAll[s,, o]) || (some o: FSObject, d: Dir | add[s,, o, d]) } */ // 6. add temporal invariant /* pred inv2[ s, s': FileSystem ] { s.root = s'.root } assert invtemp { all s, s': FileSystem | lte[s, s'] => inv2[s, s'] } check invtemp */ // 7. add global invariant /* assert invHolds { all s: FileSystem | inv[s] } check invHolds for 5 but exactly 1 FileSystem */